Sunday 17 November 2019


The cleditor object is created and exposed using the. File Description Size GZipped jquery. It is recommended that you install these files into a folder called cleditor with a subfolder called images. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. CLEditor supports the following browsers on both the mac and pc: All methods except sourceMode , selectedHTML and selectedText support chaining by returning the object they were executed on.

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Each button definition contains the following properties. Support To request new features or just get some help with CLEditor, please visit our discussion group. Support To request new features or just get some help with CLEditor, please visit our discussion group.

The textareas will be hidden and rich text editors will appear in their place.

As a suggestion put your JS at the bottom of the body I know the sample shows it this way but its a best practice. This is the core method for creating and selecting cleditor objects. Nik Prasad Nik Prasad 3 1 1 bronze badge. I see you're using ad-blocking software. If the cleditor object does not exist for a matched textarea element, it will be created using the default options combined with the supplied options.

CLEditor takes a standard html textarea element and turns it into a full featured rich text editor.

Sign up using Facebook. This handler receives the internal iframe contents as the html parameter and should return the source code to store in the textarea. All testing is done using jQuery 1. The textarea is also available cleditir for postbacks. Cross Browser CLEditor supports the following browsers on both the mac and pc: Active 5 years, 4 months ago.

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To request new features or cleditot get some help with CLEditor, please visit our discussion group. How do we handle problem users? The example works perfectly well, so it should not have anything to do with my browser settings.

Any optional properties are undefined jwuery not supplied. Post as a guest Name. I tried your code and getting following error in console chrome Uncaught TypeError: CLEditor allows you to insert images, hyperlinks and horizontal rules. CLEditor supports the following browsers on both the mac and pc: The toolbar can hold multiple groups which in turn hold multiple buttons.

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For more information jqueyr CLEditor's rich plugin development environment, please visit the Plugin Authoring page. CLEditor allows you to insert images, hyperlinks and horizontal rules.

If you're interested in contributing to this open source project, check us out on GitHub. Still, when I open test. Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined.

This handler receives the textarea contents as the source parameter and should return the HTML to store in the internal iframe. To learn more about CLEditor, please visit the Getting Started page for code samples and complete documentation.

An editor is composed of a main div element used to hold a toolbar, a text area and an iframe. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Behind the scenes, an iframe is created, placed in design mode and kept in sync with the textarea. In order to keep CLEditor free and support future development efforts, this site is sponsored exclusively by advertisements.

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