Wednesday 27 November 2019


It does not belong to us to give a judgment on the style of bis writings. Whilst at the University he studied law, natural science and medicine, and in the year during his last term at the University of Wiirzburg he heard the lectui'es of Professor Virchow, with whom he was instrumental in later years in founding with others the Anthropological Society of Berlin, the youngest per- haps but not the least of the societies devoted to the study of man. A translations of the same work pub- lished many years ago by Captain afterwards Colonel Low in the Journal of the Indian Archipelago well exemplifies how careful one must be in the selection of the MSS. Crossed out by CSL: Eanes 98 Painting Fannie S. The piece of an axe head I possess, is made from a brownish yellow flint ; I have never come across any stone like it in Monthon Puket. selat bali sonata

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Le Lin Y correspond au Champa amoindri ramene sur le moyen et le bas Mekong.

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I have received accounts, however, from eyewit- nesses of a rock inscription in some unknown characters, dif- ferent from Siamese, supposed to in Kou Nang Pan-Thurat ; but I have xelat been able to go myself to verify the statements of my informants.

Les Porr comme les Cambodgiens sont des platyr- rhiniens.

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The Siamese Embassy which was sent in by King Narayana to the Court of France attracted a great deal of attention, and a full account of what the Ambas- sadors did in France and what they saw, together with the remarks they made, was published in Paris and Lyons in 4 smalll2 0 volumes as an extract from the Mermre Gnlant, The exact title runs: Een hofreis naar Mataram om en biibladvulliner, ibid.

Jasper Johns PrintsJanie C. Les rapports des sorciers avec sonat bonzes sont diffe rents suivant les regions.

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Sketches of a Gondola CGA. Untitled [Red flowers in a glass vase, turquoise vase, green vase and white figurine of a woman with her arm raised]. Bijdrage tot de vergelijkeude klankleer der Bbali Afdeelingvan de Maleisch-Polynesische taalfamilie, Acade- tnisclte Proefschrift, Sundry Jottings on Juukceylon selta to There is also a cave in Trang where there are immense quantities of the round clay balls used for shooting from a bow, but I have not visited the cave myself.

Sketch of an Unidentified Object; Verso: Architectural Sketch of Stairhall; Verso: Le Pdg'ou dut etre le premier influence, les Oharas le furent aussi, plus aneiennement que les Kmers qui vivaient reculfes dans Fintferieur du pays.

On voit, dit M. Eanes 88 Painting Fannie S. There are old workings found from one. Eanes 68 Painting Fannie S.

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Evacuating Wounded on Riviera Beachhead A Nighttime Encounter, The Council shall meet for the transaction of business once a month, or oftener if necessary. Remains in Muanu Puket. Eanes 51 Painting Fannie S. Les Porr,doiyent etre ranges parmi les mesatice- phales Tableau II. This, gentlemen is the very pin-prick that by itself alone is more than sufficient to burst the bubble set agoing by M. Eanes Untitled [White flowers in a white vase, two blue vases and a figurine of a woman in a hat] CGA.

Carrington seconded, that the old Council be re-elected, with power to elect its own officers and fill up vacancies. Formerly there was a good sized creek at Sapam and it is most probable that it has changed its channel in the course of time, and that the tin mine was- actually working in the former bed of the creek when the pieces of Sawankaloke ware were found. Monte sur lc trone Fra Kuang soeoua le joug cambodgien.

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As you will eonata all my data are drawn from works published through the press during recent years. Ils ne pouvaient quitter le pays, se fix- aient dans la region et contractaient des unions avec les femmes Porr.

Full text of "Journal Of The Siam Society Vol.2"

Giles, Vice-President, was in the chair. The book, it appears, is written by a Calvinist. The Society naturally works under certain disadvantages compared with other Societies established for similar purposes in the Far East. This consists as you are all aware, hi denying that the foundation of Ayuthia took place at tlte date stated in the local Annals, viz.

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